Nightmare Traveler

Nightmare Traveler


Nightmare Traveler

Impact: 3


Smell of blood: You can see entity's through blocks.

Home Dimension: You have your personal dimension. You can also invite your friends.

flight: In darkness you can fly.

Imunity: You are imun to poison.

Ghost: In darkness you are invisible and can phase.

acrobatics: You don't take fall damage.

good eye's: You have night vision since your home is darkness.

poisonous hand: Your hand does wither damage.

complex creature: You have a GUI that has different powers.

Home: You spawn in the stronghold.

launch: You can boost yourself in the sky.


No Bed: You can't sleep.

small: You are tiny.

Jockey: You can ride others.


explosive: on death you explode losing all your items.

burn: sun ignites you and fire kills you in 2 fire ticks.

weak: you have less hearts.

Hate light: You get bad effects in light.

diet: You can only eat raw meat.

Dependencies: Origins -

                           Pehkui -

Important: I know it is to strong but this is just the first version if you have ideas to make it better pls tell me.

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