The Knight Origin

The Knight Origin


The Knight Origin

(This origin is based off of the player from the game Hollowknight, not based off of an actual knight)

(requires extra keybinds)

Impact: 3

Description: You seem to find yourself inside of a strange place, but you still remember most of your previous actions, encounters, and abilities from Hollownest.


Lightweight: You take more knockback than others.

Non-proficient: You are not familiar with bows, crossbows, or shields, and you do not know how to use them.

Antivore: You are not familiar with food, and don't know what to do with it.

Weak Arms: When not under the effect of a strength potion, you can only mine natural stone if there are at most 2 other natural stone blocks adjacent to it.

Nine Lives: You have one less heart of health than humans.


Short: You were a small boi, and you still are. (you are shorter than the average player, but not too short)

Previous Belongings: You always kept these with you. (starts you out with an iron sword, nine empty maps, and a compass)


Acrobatics: You never take fall damage no matter from which height you fall.

Monarch Wings: Using wings made of ethereal matter that shimmers in the darkness, you can use a second jump mid-air.

Mothwing Cloak: A cloak threaded with mothwing strands. Allows the wearer to dash along the ground or through the air using their primary ability.

Vengeful Spirit: Conjure a spirit that will fly forward and burn foes in its path using your secondary ability.

Focus: You can regenerate health and saturation with your "Shape of Unn" charm for the cost of not being able to attack or see much using your ternary ability.

Proficient: You are skilled in melee combat. (you have a faster attack speed)