None of the Items are working in my Modpack
yuma-dev opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Items are craftable, but do not show up in EMI and when crafted they do nothing.
Also had vanilla refresh that stopped working after a while, might be an Issue on my end but I can't pinpoint what exactly the issue would be
Here is the latest log from my Server:
As this is a datapack ported to a mod, there is sadly no possibility for EMI/REI/JEI support
However! I can help with the items not working, looking at your server logs I can see the following:
[09:39:33] [main/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:tick as it is missing following references: craftableshell:tick (from file/craftable-shulker-shells-1-21.zip)
[09:39:33] [main/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:load as it is missing following references: craftableshell:load (from file/craftable-shulker-shells-1-21.zip)
There seems to be some kind of issue with craftable-shulker-shells-1-21.zip
and its breaking the tick and load functions in minecraft. Without these, most datapacks will fail to work
I suggest either removing that datapack or checking to see if the version you have installed is compatible with your version of minecraft
Thank you for the quick help! That was indeed the issue, now I just need to find a replacement for the broken Datapack :D
If it's a recipe that uses vanilla items to produce a vanilla item, I recommend any of the many recipe datapack generators out there!
This one is very good: https://misode.github.io/recipe/