Jake's Build Tools

Jake's Build Tools


Hardhat item replacement

Jothbot opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Less of an issue, more of a suggestion. Since the introduction of the 'equippable' item component there is no longer need to use carved pumpkins for custom helmets. The main drawback of those has always been the fact that carved pumpkins are blocks that can accidentally be placed, and now that they arent necessary I feel like something else should be used for the item (My personal pick is usually the poisonous potato, as it is usually not used in any crafting recipes, cant be composted and has no hardcoded functionality)

(wrote this issue after accidentally placing my hardhat)


Thanks for the suggestion! The hardhat has used the equippable component since v1.6.1, it was also given a fancy 2D sprite texture as a result!

Sadly the change isn't retroactive, so you will need to craft a new one if you update