crockpot crashing, heres a crash log.
jerpd3rp opened this issue ยท 29 comments
and the console readout when it happened
We got this exact same issue when using carrots, pork and beets together - I have no clue if I accidentally right clicked it, but WTHIT does not display any info on it either.
Thank you for that! I'm definitely going to look into this, but it might take me a while. On holiday atm.
I can't seem to replicate this crash with just FAPI, Appleskin, Mod Menu and WTHIT.
I've got the feeling it's a lithium issue, so I'm going to investigate with that.
Are you using a premade mod pack? If so, can you link it to me?
We are not Linux and have the same happen. We do have the foodables mod and caffeinated - so it might be incompatibility. I'll wrap up the mods and post a link so you can see them too, when I get home from work.
Thank you! The more info, the better.
I might not get to this until Monday at this point, as I'll be finishing my work week in an hour or so, but I'll take a look when I can. :)
Thank you so much. I'll see what I can do on Monday. It's a very odd bug I cannot seem to replicate, even with a full modpack that crashes for others.
I'll see what happens without Lithium installed. I, though, am using Linux Kubuntu but I haven't had an issue with any of the mods I've used previously.
Edit: Just tested it, and found out it wasn't Lithium as the items disappear anyway. I'll do some further testing to figure this out and get back with you.
I should mention that using WTHIT (Same for REI as well) mod I can't see what levels my crock pot is at or what ingredients I put in. (1.13.3 Crock Pot). When I used 1.13.0 I could see the crock pot levels and the ingredients that were used.
I figured out what the problem was it was the Animatica mod. Not sure what the incompatibility would be between the two though.
When only using your mod and Fabric API, Cloth Config and bad packets, the mod works as intended and the items don't disappear, which meant that it is a mod incompatibility as was mentioned previously. I noticed something though that when cooking anything that can be cooked in a furnace such as potatoes in the crock pot they turn into baked potatoes which I feel is a nifty little feature, if it is intended.
Edit: Hopefully this will help.
That's... a super weird incompatibility haha, but thank you for digging through this!
And yeah, the cooking food is a feature! You can actually turn it off if you'd prefer, in the Mechanics section. Any raw food with a campfire/smoker recipe can be cooked in the crock pot as part of the stewing process.
You're welcome! I like bug testing mods and figuring out things on my own such as incompatibilities. Now I'm not sure it's the same for @HappiSabi but, if it is alright with you two, I wouldn't mind bug testing those mods and seeing what could be the issue, if indeed it is a different issue altogether?
If it's what you're looking for, you absolutely have my permission to pull this repo and debug it alongside Animatica.
Oh thanks! I'm more just interested in messing around with mods inside minecraft and seeing which ones are incompatible with one another. I may be interested if I could get someone to teach me how to debug stuff as you mentioned.
I'm absolutely struggling to replicate this. I have no idea why this is happening, but I'm going to see if I can push out a little fix to stop the crashes, at least. It'll be posted here when I'm done with it.
Hi there, it's nice to know that this crash is already mentioned, because I just got this crash for the same reason using carrots (Except for 1.19.4)
Minecraft 1.19.4
Fabric 0.14.21
Crock Pot: 1.13.3
Crash Log: https://gist.github.com/ShadowSharkWolf/18109c000471ae32927fed39aa19a662
I'm using a Modpack called Fabulously Optimized 4.11.0 and I heavily modified it with the mods I like to play with and try out.
Here is the link to the mods folder with the mods used.
One other thing to mention as well: I made stew using apples and baked potatoes, but somehow after the powered crock pot reached a certain level the apples disappeared from the crock pot and only the baked potatoes were left in it as I only saw baked potatoes mentioned after getting the portions into the bowls. I, also, did the same thing for bread and pondie (Fish of Thieves mod). Only pondie was mentioned after I got the portions of the stew into the bowl. Corn and Sweet Potato (Croptopia mod) also disappeared from the powered crock pot as well as it had cooked mutton within it.
It feels like the only items that disappear are items that aren't cooked before being put into the crock pot.
I appreciate the mod folder upload, tracking down obscure mod incompatibilities is generally quite difficult.
I think this might be down to an optimisation mixin provided by one of the CaffeineMC mods, at which point, I'm not sure I'll do anything to solve this, but I'll take a look and see what I can do!
Of course!
After looking at the code in question, I've got a feeling it might be fixed by a simple sanity check, but I'm going to go digging into Lithium a bit and see if that's the problem.
After some investigation, I can't replicate this crash, even with the included mod pack.
What I did notice, though, is that both of you are running Linux. This might be a Linux-specific Lithium issue.
I don't have a Linux box for testing, so I can't dig any further into this, but a friend with Linux plays the mod without Lithium, and gets no crashes.
Try disabling Lithium, repeat the process, and see if the crash still occurs?
Hi there,
I'm back again... xD It's apparent that something is causing your mod to turn uncooked food into air and disappear and I thought it was animatica, but it turns out it wasn't. Also, who knew that when cooking up Hearty Earthworm (from Croptopia mod) Stew it would cause nausea for 29856(hrs):09(mins):08(secs). @_@ or 1,244 days. lol which I'm pretty sure by the time the nausea is over and done with I will be at least 3 years older than I am now. I have this strange feeling the mathematics (or arithmetic) of the mod might be part of the cause of the issue.
Crash Log: https://pastebin.com/faBZw6CH
Minecraft 1.19.4
Fabric: 0.14.21
Fabric API: 0.87.0
Crockpot 1.13.3
I will hold off on using this until such a time a fix is issued for it. I'm hoping it isn't a bug with minecraft itself...
I really can't replicate any of this, and the size of the modpacks make it even harder to actually nail down what's happening.
The CaffeineMC mods, and things like Ferrite Core change fundamental parts of Minecraft in favour of aggressive optimisation, but that can lead to... situations like this.
Very odd why those mods would do something like that when it didn't bother your mod in 1.18.2 back when I played on that version, if that is even the case. I'll try messing around with the optimization mods and see which one is causing the discrepancies in the math formula along with your mod. The reason I use optimization mods are because of the FPS issue in my game.
Thanks for the response.
Don't get me wrong: the optimisation suites available for Minecraft are incredible, made by extremely talented people and they make an absolutely unbelievable amount of difference. I personally use a lot of them as well, because they're just too good not to, and they don't cause any issues with any other mods I use.
I'll keep poking around, simply because it's fun to see what's going on.
EDIT: I'm finalising an aggressive sanity check to see if this fixes it. I'll post the test version here when it's done.
Alright, give this a shot, see if it helps.
EDIT: As an accidental bonus, I realised half of the dependencies weren't working correctly due to a changeover in how Fabric does stuff, so Appleskin and WTHIT compat should now be fixed!
I am able to see Portions/Bonus Levels/Signal Type now. Food that can't be cooked in a furnace or raw won't crash my game. Food (Pufferfish/Zombie Flesh) with negative effects now give normalized negative effects instead of heavily overpowered negative effects. Now nausea and Hunger give about 15-30sec. worth of time instead of 3 years. It's fixed now! Thanks for that
Edit: Just noticing this small problem (or bug):
I added in Devilfish to the stew along with several other fish and for some reason the cooking pot had a cooked version of it already made once I put in raw devil fish from Fish of Thieves mod. Is that suppose to happen?
Forgot that cooking raw food that can be cooked in a furnace when put into the crockpot disappears when bonus level goes to 1:
Tried it again with only raw food that can be cooked in furnace:
The positve of this is my game no longer crashes. Once the negative effect disappears it deletes the items along with it and replaces the negative effects with positive effects, but replaces all the raw food with air instead of the cooked variants.
I guess I will just disable cooking raw food for now
Thank you so much for taking the time to help out here!
These are some absolutely wild bugs, not gonna sugarcoat it.
The WTHIT visual bug is going to be an easy fix, but the food deletion one might be a little more difficult to track down.
I'll do a bit more work on it today, and try to have a new version uploaded here by the end of my work day.
Can't seem to replicate the raw food -> air bug either.
This has just been nightmares all 'round haha.
Apologies that I haven't returned with better news.