


Tiny tiny issue with monolith spawning mechanics

C0rn3j opened this issue ยท 6 comments


So, an album with this minimalistic issue: http://imgur.com/a/hBq2Q

How to reproduce: place a bunch of statues on the ground along with a chunkloader and return in a few days.

It's noisy.


Closing this, as the disruption mechanic has changed drastically over the past updates, not to mention the fact that the particular disruption that caused this has been disabled for sometime as well.


TIL that RFTools Quarry will not mine the statues up. I want to cry.


Hm... might be about time I add more disruptions, or just remove the one that builds a monolith, since those allow that to happen from a bunch of statues alone.


Or perhaps disable monolith building if XX statues are within YY meters next to the statue?


Also to anyone dealing with the mess, get WorldEdit, mark the are and run

//replace abyssalcraft:azathothstatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:cthulhustatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:hasturstatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:jzaharstatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:nyarlathotepstatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:yogsothothstatue 0
//replace abyssalcraft:shubniggurathstatue 0

To get rid of the statues, I had to do it twice since some spawned again.

//replace abyssalcraft:shoggothblock 0
//replace abyssalcraft:monolithstone 0

And finally to get rid of the ooze and buildings.


The monolith building is one possible outcome out of a couple (since there's not that many disruptions, the chances of a specific one triggering is quite big, due to there not being that many other possible outcomes). Currently there's a 6,25% chance that a monolith is built, and the chance of any of the other disruptions triggering is the exact same number (since there's currently 16 of them). Well, big may be an understatement, but 16 possible outcomes still doesn't make it that rare that a specific one is picked, if chosen randomly.