


Data Chip Crafting issue.

wiloxe opened this issue ยท 10 comments


So the title says most of the part however I'll attempt to provide more information
So first i can't check the recipe in NEI. When pressing R on Data Chip nothing happens.
Second, I found an crafting file telling how to craft the chip but would not appear in the finished crafting box.
Also same thing goes for Empty unit. Forge version: 1541 [Edited, forgot to put it in...]

Here's the log you asked for:
NOTE: I could not use pastebin. Why? Well after pasting in the text the website keep's freezing for me.


Thanks, I'll look into the issue.

PS.. Maybe the site's mystery bug? I don't know xD


Yup, same here. Several missing recipes despite using the latest Forge.


Ok, full list of missing recipes:
Data Chip
Normal Ability Developer
Wireless Imag Matrix
Wind Generator Pillar
Machine Frame
Brainwave Analyzer
App-Skill Tree

and, yes, this is the latest Forge.

Edit: I am suspecting this is a Java 8 problem.


Actually I can't reproduce it... I'll try more on several version of JRE and check if its potential mod conflict.
@ShieLian Do me a favor?

EDIT: Tested in Forge 1541 with 65 mods installed, in JRE 1.8.0_65, definetly no problem.


Also can you guys please provide your mod list?


Ah, wait, wrong mod list. Well, pretty much that mod list plus AcademyCraft.


Cheers, I've nailed down the issue xD will get fixed in next version.

Turns out Forge's OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist(id) returns true even when the id exists but the list is empty. Some mod thouches that id at initialization stage, but never stored any actual stack into the id. Then the RecipeRegistry of AC just turned to use that id directly rather than find the item associated with the name.

Adding a list.size() == 0 check effectively solves this.

Also will change all recipes containing non-standard oreDict names to oreDict names.


Would this be causing the the same issue of recipes not being able to be looked up when I Add open computers to my modpack as well?


Fixed in 1.0pr3.