


Moving a single block of a matrix with Funky Locomotion will cause the matrix to be weird...

Renniuq opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have no idea how to say this eloquently, hence the title. If you don't know what Funky Locomotion does, it adds blocks (frames) that are basically like Slime Blocks in 1.8, but they can move anything with a tile ID (chests, furnaces, mod blocks, etc.) and obsidian, etc. with a max of 1000 or so per go by default. With the matrix, a 2x2x2 structure, only connecting the frames to a single block will cause that block to be moved, and all the other blocks in the 2x2x2 structure to lose their hitboxes. They still render fine and function fine, with the occasional complaint when you link a node (but that's another issue). This allows for things like the following: Having multiple Matrixes within the space of one!

This does in fact occur reliably. I admit, I may have been trying to crash it, so I commend you on thwarting my plans. (I'll get you someday! MWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! ahem. Sorry)