


Will black wings ever be an addition to the Vector Manipulation category?

ErrorXII opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It could perhaps be an addition to the Level 5 category that allows one to blow away mobs/players way up into the sky? It could maybe replace Storm Wings once learned as a skill.


Wouldn't they need to turn white once one reaches 100% skill in it?


I guess there would have to be an Awakening factor that would need to come in to play when trying to unlock the stronger white wings after the initial black wings. Unfortunately it would only apply to Vector Manipulation and Dark Matter if that category ever gets added, unless they take creative liberty and design awakenings for the other categories as well. Seeing that this would be very unlikely, an Awakening system being put into place seems to be fairly unlikely as well, so adding it as a skill later on would be the most plausible choice. Maybe it would only become available when someone reaches 100% at Level 5?