


[Suggestion]Some ideas

Torakaa opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello ! I'm a french player of Minecraft (and a fan of To Aru mangas) and your mod makes me happy, happy, happy since i download it <3
I have some ideas to make the mod more interesting !
You could add a Research Computer to research and craft some new technologies !
Example: You craft the research computer, and see you can do one research (Example: Level Upper). To do that, you need to craft or do some complex things for experiences .Example for Level Upper: get some mobs hostile or passives and makes them in coma via a power or an item, but you must keep mobs in coma into coffins, next step, use a item to make mobs AIM compatible to you, until this is complete, you can craft a level-upper to temporary level-up your power (doesn't work on Level 5) and get others capacities depends on the mobs you get in coma. More mobs are in coma, more the Level-Upper have durability. Level-Upper need energy to work and can level-up your power for 30sec until the battery is empty (+30sec/mobs in coma) and give the 'hunger' effect to the player. But if you use the Level-Upper more than 10min in your game, you create a new boss: AIM Burst. The boss spawn every time you use the level-upper more than 10min.
With this research computer you'll should can do others research like Level 6 Shift Project, Sister's Noise Project or the project in To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator (with the robots Qiongqi Taotie ect...)
To unlock every research the player need to complete some text, example for level-upper:
AIM Networks is made of some particles makes by espers. (To unlock next text need to measure your AIM field with a new machine)
If we can _______ (connect) peoples AIM, it's could be possible to _______ (upgrade) their powers a little, but it still dangerous cause the peoples using it can get in coma or get very hungry.
(To unlock next text you need to makes 10 mobs in coma using a power or item)
We don't know if we can create an _______ (entity) who it's makes only by AIM ______(Network). To verify this, we should create an item.
(The last text unlock the level-upper craft or a item need to craft the level-upper)

That all, your mod is the best. <3 Congratulations to you and your incredible work !