Probably a bug with the way to make the "PLANT INTERACTOR" to behave properly with Flax and Rice and many other Actually Adittion plants?
Juanchio88 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
What I mean is that even when Integration Foregoing mod is installed, the plant interactuator, "right clicks" on the plant (Most easily replicated by using the RICE plant) wich harvest it but instead of collecting it, it just drop its products (seeds and "fruit") on the ground instead of into the said machine's inventory.
Is there a way to fix this behaviour? I read as throughly as im able to and this is not reported, althoug if it is an intended feature, im so sorry to waste your time, However, either is this an intended feature or a bug, could there be a way to change how the plant behaves instead of droping the item on the ground, add it directly into the players, or in this case, the machines inventory?
BTW, I love your mod its being part of my mc life for a couple of years now haha OP DRILLS 4EVAH!
Can't you just use a harvester + planter instead? I assume they're called something strange but they certainly exist.
Oh yeah, they do, in the same mod I discovered this, thats how i circumvent the issue in my map, however the behavior felt like a bug therefore my post.
Now since I have an answer and the issue closed I gladly asume this is the intentional behavior of said plants.
The Plant Interactor from industrial foregoing behaves like it "right clicks" the plant, so Wheat (Vanilla MC) puts the drops inside the player's (or interacting machine) in its inventory, however the AA plants do not behave like that.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read the post and reply, i highly appreciate the time and gesture, and now my doubt is answered!
BTW: Maybe this could be a feature in later patches? haha.
Wheat doesn't actually do that on its own - that's an external mod doing it. The interactor is intended for plants that require right click harvest and don't give seeds, such as berry bushes. So everything is working as intended here.