Coal Generators excessive tick rate
Yamza opened this issue · 4 comments
Item: Coal Generator with coal inserted
Modpack: ATM3- Remix 0.0.2
Current Version: 1.12.2-r140
[10:56:40] [main/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] 983 micro-s/t: TILE_ENTITY: {WORLD_ID=0, BLOCK_NAME=Coal Generator§r, BLOCK_POS_X=-363, BLOCK_POS_Y=52, BLOCK_POS_Z=233, BLOCK_CLASS_NAME=de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.tile.TileEntityCoalGenerator, NANOS=1174873900} [10:56:40] [main/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] 944 micro-s/t: TILE_ENTITY: {WORLD_ID=0, BLOCK_NAME=Coal Generator§r, BLOCK_POS_X=-363, BLOCK_POS_Y=52, BLOCK_POS_Z=235, BLOCK_CLASS_NAME=de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.tile.TileEntityCoalGenerator, NANOS=1128273212}
Yeah I can take a look at it. Anything specific that you're expecting to be broken? I don't have the ability to test in a server setting but I will see how it does in SP.
Anything related to client/server syncing really (which should also be testable on the integrated server, meaning in singleplayer). Basically machines' energy storages and other dynamic values that might have to be sent to the client for display might not update correctly or as expected.
Still a bit high but quite a significant improvement from what it was. Power seems to be showing properly.
*On second thought, maybe not a bit high since they seem to match EU2's Magmatic generator now.
Alright, I've pulled something up that should be a significant fix.
However I don't just want to release it since it might break a bunch of things. Mind testing it for a bit?!AoXVxSo6VrNfgZZ_1Ramh3gfL1dxVQ