Battery recipe is expotentially more expensive but offers marginally more benefits
LordHellscream opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I think it's a little bit unbalanced for the battery recipe.
It offer less and less benefits (100% -> 50% -> 33% -> 25%), yet the recipe is progressively more expensive.
Especially from 2x to 3x or 4x to 5x, it only offers very marginally improvement (4 mil to 5 mil RF) it hardly warrant the cost of 5x diamatine crystals and items to deal with empowerment.
The key for a balanced recipe --- cost vs benefit. it's OK to have expensive recipe as long as there is incentive to do so.
I think the recipe is either too expensive to worth it for those who actually need it (early mid-game).
then became trivial (late game when you are swimming in resources with automatic quarries etc)
I always stick with the 2x battery in early game (foregoing to empowering altogether until i need that for other stuff), and likely switch directly to draconic batteries in late game when resource don't really matter.
My suggestion is either reduce the cost, or keep the cost the same but exponentially improve the benefits (similar to recipes for Ender IO/mekanism/immersive engineering - where higher tier items are 10x and 100x better).