so close ellpack so close hehehehe hopper issue
5kedone opened this issue · 19 comments
now hoppers insert correct amount of biomass in compost bin but wont pull compost out of it, oh and increasing bin size much better
latest forge
dont worry i did it, here is youtube video of it happening
from about 1.52 on is when it changes to compost
I updated Forge and I still can't reproduce it. Did you try this in a different location / after replacing the block?
This doesn't make any sense. Can you try with just Actually Additions installed? :v
You don't. Just uninstall half of the mods. If the bug is still there, uninstall another half, etc. It doesn't take long if you do it that way.
got it , found the culprit its betterfps mod if fast hopper mode is on it stops out put , but only with your mod, no other mod seems to be effected ?
I removed IInventory support, maybe the fast version doesn't support Capabilities.
I will close this for now then.