Actually Additions

Actually Additions


Biomash Recipe Missing

IamAlathe opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Suddenly, I cannot make biomash for compost. It's like the recipe doesn't exist. It's not in the manual, JEI will only send you to the manual if you try to select biomash, trying to make biomash with known recipes will not yield a result. Reproduced in a clean, new world with only AA.

I didn't mean to eat the biomash recipe, I just got excited. ๐Ÿ˜†

And hey, thanks for all your hard work. ๐Ÿ˜ธ


Read the manual, it tells you how to make it.


I know how to make it. I've been playing with Actually Additions for a long time. I just looked in the manual, searched "bio" and biomash is not even listed. Just to test, I loaded a new world, with nothing but AA, went into creative mode, and grabbed a manual. A search gave me the same result. Biomash should be listed right there under (or above, I don't remember) Bio Reactor, no?

screenshot 12

screenshot 13


I went back into that world, and tried to make biomash, it works with potatoes, but not with (wheat) seeds. I thought it worked with seeds, because I used to do that to get rid of my excess seeds. Am I really that confused? Sorry to be such a pain.


Read the changelog, the recipe changed. And yes, it not showing up in the manual is a little bit of a quirk, but just look up the compost page if it doesn't show up in the search results.


The recipe doesn't show up on the compost page either, I did look there. I missed the recipe changing, my bad. Thanks for the explanation. ๐Ÿ˜„


Also, it DOES show up, looking at the screenshots. It lists the compost page, because that's which category it is explained under. So no quirk, after all.


screenshot 14
screenshot 15


"Bio-Mash can be crafted from.." on the second page.
Reading is key.


Yup, I'm a derp. I think I need to go away from Minecraft a while and reactivate my brain. ๐Ÿ˜