Rename AA fluids to avoid mods clashing
Silvrus opened this issue ยท 15 comments
AA 1.11.2-r110
BuildCraft 7.99.4
Actually Additions appears to be overriding the oil registry entries. Pumps don't recognize BC oil geysers, and bucketing the oil from the geyser gives AA oil instead of normal BC crude oil. I suspect it might be doing the same for Immersive Petroleum's oil, but have not been able to test yet. Disabling AA returns BC oil functionality.
This shouldn't be a bug and everything should still work the way it normally does with every other oil.
What's the problem here?
The problem is that pumps don't recognize it as a valid fluid and won't pump the oil geysers. I tried Buildcraft and Immersive Engineering's pumps.
Which oil do the geysers use?
Pinging @AlexIIL as I have no idea why this would be happening.
Even if AA oil were to override BuildCraft oil by having the same name (probably "oil"), it should still not cause any trouble with pumps and the like.
Actually Additions adds an oil block that is bound to the oil fluid. What I do for Actually Additions is I register the oil fluid regardless of there already being one, but then I use the fluid that is actually registered as the main fluid in the registry.
You can see this done here.
This is how Thermal Foundation and most other mods I looked at did it at least in 1.7 and 1.10, but this might bot be the right way to do it anymore.
At the time, it also seemed to be the way that the registry intended it to be.
I had a feeling this was happening. This is specifically why I called my fluid crude_oil. ;)
I'd maybe recommend changing the names of AA's oils. Potentially:
empowered_canola oil
and that'll solve all the issues outright, except mods adding compatibility will have to update their references. (I'm doing it, and wouldn't mind though.)
The whole point of fluids sharing names is to allow different mods to allow the same fluid, but from different mods to work as if they were the same though? Changing the names of fluids to be different won't solve that...