Actually Additions

Actually Additions


Does AA Have Crafttweaker Support?

Somedudesbutonlyone opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm Using Crafttweaker2 4.0.8 an d Modtweaker 4.0.3 and Actually Additions release 121. I've been making a modpack using craftweaker and actuallyadditons and decided to search up crafttweaker packs and look at their code to find ID names. so I imported actuallyadditions:blockMisc:9 and actuallyadditions:blockCoalGenerator, and it didn't work. I've been having the same problems with IC2 Machine Casing, (Before I found out about the OreDict Entry. Help!


Crafttweaker Supporting mods is on their sides. If you want to learn more go to this site


Registry names are all lowercase as of 1.12, so follow suit in your scripts. The names of blocks/items can be accessed by pushing f3+h ingame, and they will be shown as a tooltip. But this has nothing to do with aa.