Ad Astra: Giselle Addon

Ad Astra: Giselle Addon


[Feature]: Allow the fuel loader to load fuels that don't have the #ad_astra:fuel tag but do have #ad_astra:tier_x_rocket_fuel

Casmin7 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Cause for request

Right now any tier of rocket can use any fuel by giving it the specific tag, but the fuel loader only works if said fluid also had the fuel tag. Issue is that the #fuel tag has all of the other tags as children and cannot be modified until the #fuel tag is removed from the liquid.

Sorry for the bad english, I'm not from an anglophone country.

Request details

No response


That is great point. I was missed that 'specific fuel tags'.
Fuel Loader will be changed to give fluid what matching with Vehicle's specific tag.

But for easy distinguish, i think fluids are need 'adastra:fuel' tag at least.


Done e59f033.


The fuel loader on 6.13 can still load fuel into rockets which cannot accept the tiered fuel. The fuel does not get used in the T2 rocket. With the fuel loader, it can be loaded