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[Unplayable]: Global conspiracy to leave New Zealand off maps has infiltrated Terrarium Earth!

ChiefArug opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bug Description

Your globe appears to missing a country. It is a country I am quite fond of because I happen to live there, along with 5 million other people, 10 million cows and 25 million sheep. Whilst I have not consulted the cows or the sheep, I am sure that they would agree with the people in the high importance of the country you have so carelessly (or was it intentional!?) left off your globe.
I urge you to fix this issue expediently so that we do not have to live in the constant fear of our country of islands being nonexistent. Remember, the home of 40 million are at stake!

Furthermore, I have examined the other representations of the earth included in this mod and concluded that in typical western fashion they do not even include the area of the pacific ocean that New Zealand would be situated in. While this is sad, it is not a significant problem, unlike the issue described above.

How to Reproduce?

  1. Go to
  2. Closely examine the area to the east of Australia [see Figure 1].
  3. Discover, to your horror, that there is no land of the long white cloud, no Aotearoa, no New Zealand!
  4. Investigate further and discover the global conspiracy keeping New Zealand off maps all over the world.
  5. Become entrenched in aforementioned conspiracy and in realizing how far it has spread discover your true calling in life.
  6. Spread the knowledge of the infiltration of NZ-less maps to society.
  7. Educate on the correct and proper placement and shape of New Zealand in relation to other bodies of land located in and around the Pacific Ocean.
  8. As you deem fit, manually rectify individual cases through implements of mass cartography.
  9. Remember to drink water.
  10. Continue steps 4-9 indefinitely.

Expected Behavior

Not to end up on r/mapswithoutnewzealand.



Mod Loader Version


Mod Loader


Logs or additional context

A detailed diagram of the situation (Figure 1):

For additional context to this gamebreaking issue and how it relates to the current geopolitical climate please refer to these informational videos featuring the former prime minister of New Zealand:

Code of Conduct

  • I have searched the issue tracker and confirmed that the issue has not been reported
  • I have checked the FAQ (if one is present) and my issue is not listed
  • I have verified that I am using the latest version of the mod
  • I have verified that I have installed all the required dependencies for the mod
  • I have verified that I do not have Optifine installed. We will close issues if we detect Optifine is in your pack. We cannot fix Optifine issues. Please do not report issues with Optifine present.

As a citizen and 11 year resident of New Zealand, this is an OUTRAGE!! This needs to be fixed asap

edit: yikes already on reddit