Additional Blocks: Stone Edition

Additional Blocks: Stone Edition


breaks rendering in 1.19

ink717 opened this issue · 1 comments


Minecraft 1.19.2 Forge 43.2.4 using newest mod builds

when trying to copy and paste an area containing ABSE blocks, or manually placing or breaking by hand, other people or the player in the server can't see the action at all unless being teleported far away and return back. While the "invisible block" is still there, you can still break them. The actual block only shows after being teleported back and forth. We narrowed it down to a few mods that are being involved.

This doesn't happen in single-player world.

ALSO: whenever this render issue happens, this message spam the console (on client only)

I've attached the latest.log.
The very last few lines were what happens when trying to use worldedit to fill a selection into an ABSE blocks.



It’s a Mojang bug