Additional Enchanted Miner

Additional Enchanted Miner


Can't insert into filler with hopper [Fabric]

blake-lowe opened this issue · 2 comments


Describe the bug

FABRIC QuarryPlus
I can insert items into a filler by hand but I am unable to insert items in the Filler with a hopper. I would expect to be able to provide the filler with items in an automated way.
I read in the changelogs that the QuarryPlus was fixed to not allow items to be inserted. Maybe this is related because the filler is a modified quarry? Just speculating. Thank you!

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place a filler (doesn't matter if marker zone is set or not)
  2. Place an adjacent hopper pointed to the filler
  3. Place items in the hopper


  • Minecraft version: [1.18.2]
  • Single Player or Multi Player?: [Single Player]
  • Fabric Version: [0.13.3]
  • QuarryPlus version: [AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.18.2-18.8]
  • Other mods: [Not relevant, but can provide]

Crash report or logs [n/a]


I seems that I completely forgot registering Filler as a container.

I'll fix tonight.


I'm sorry I forgot commenting in this issue.
Fixed in the latest version.