Additional Enchanted Miner

Additional Enchanted Miner


Workbench Plus Bug 1.12.2

Ermen07 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


When i try to craft a quarry plus in a workbench it gives me a miningwell plus or when i try to craft something I want gives me something else and the loading bar is unsynced and sometimes disappear.
I'm playing in a server.

Version: AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.12.2-0.8.8-universal



I uploaded new version 0.8.9.

I hope it fixes this problem but this fix may cause new bugs...
Vanilla packet can't send itemstack whose size is over 128. I changed my code not to use vanilla packet.


Thank you! I will try later.


Thank you for your report. I found some problems in WorkbenchPlus and packet system. This bug happens only in dedicated server.

I'm fixing this problem but it takes some days.


I found the amount of energy is not sent to client and the data is overflowed.
Vanilla packet send property of container as "short" value, limited -32768 <= x <= 32767.
Marker Plus requires 20,000 MJ but Quarry Plus requires 320,000 MJ then overflowed.
I'll fix.


I tried, it works but the progress bar is still bugged. The progress bar doesn't bug with marker plus.


New version 0.9.0 is available.

I found that "NoEnergy" in config is very useful for debugging but it hides some problems.

Anyway, I fixed the bug of progress bar, but if your config file (in client) does not match one in server, the progress bar doesn't work. You can change config via Game Menu -> Mod Options -> (type q and find QuarryPlus) -> Config.


Perfect, thank you very much.