Additional Enchanted Miner

Additional Enchanted Miner


Solid Fuel Quarry not mining Obsidian

Greg9711 opened this issue · 1 comments


Direwolf20 1.18 Modpack with this Mod added (and the Library Mod)

Like it says in the Title the Solid Fuel Quarry doesn´t mine Obsidian (Quarry Plus does)
If this is intendet so you can´t get a lot of Obsidian just from that, then it could just void it or ignore it and keep going, because it just stopps and i would have to move it (or mine it myself). It doesn´t say it on the Wiki that it can#t mine it, so i just wanted to ask/make sure.


It seems that the quarry requires more energy than its capacity (energy to remove Obsidian: 1250, capacity: 1000).
I'll fix in a few days.