Additional Enchanted Miner

Additional Enchanted Miner


Infinite Crafting Bug

CapitanCJ opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
I'm running AllTheMods6 Modpack on a server and I am able to make an infinite amount of MiningWell Pluses and Marker Pluses by keeping the recipe selected yellow.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place items in Workbench Plus.
  2. Select Item with Yellow selection mode


  • Minecraft: 1.16.1
  • Single Player or Multi Player?: Multi Player (untested on SP)
  • Forge: 32.0.88
  • This mod (QuarryPlus): Additional Enchanted Miner-1.16.1-16.0.7
  • Other mods: AllTheMods6 - 0.23 (Modpack)

Fixed in 16.0.8.
Thank you for reporting.