Additional Pipes for Buildcraft

Additional Pipes for Buildcraft


Adv. Wooden Pipe not working

whythisname opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I was just trying out the download from mediafire with FTB (the MindCrack pack to be precise). No conflicts showed up and all the other pipes seem to be working fine.

So I set up a chest with some Sandstone, attached an Adv. Wooden pipe with a Redstone engine next to it and it's not working. I tried switching modes (from exclude to include, back and forth several times) and I did the same while I had Sand Stone added to the filter. The pipe never extracted anything though.

Am I missing something? Or should it be working (like I'm expecting)?

Off topic, the Distribution pipe ejects items to sides that aren't connected, but I'm taking that as "intended" (because it only does it if you set it to send items there, if you set the unconnected sides to 0 it works fine).

Thanks for updating this mod btw ;)


u have to use a autartic gate for it to work cause im using it and it works fine


And how do you add/remove items to the Adv. Wooden pipe then? Because if I put a gate on there I can't access the interface of the Adv. Wooden Pipe any more... Every way I try I only get the interface of the gate.

In early versions it used to work with an external engine and I personally think that should also still be an option. Autarchic gates are nice and all, but I prefer using cheaper external engines that can even be upgraded to pull out entire stacks at once.
It's not much of an Advance if the pipe has a filter, but you have to put something over it that prevents easy access to that feature...

So yeah, I still think this should be considered a bug.


Ok, this is weird, I tried it again with engines and it works fine now. I don't have a clue why it didn't work before or what changed to allow it to work now, but it's fixed.

It almost seems like restarting my pc or Java or something like that fixed the issue. But it seems a bit illogical as all the other pipes and mods worked fine, it doesn't make sense to me 1 block/item out of thousands would be affected by something like this.

Anyway, it works so I'll close this issue and you can disregard it ;)