Advanced Netherite (Fabric)

Advanced Netherite (Fabric)


Tools break other blocks which they aren't meant to quickly.

Quarkul opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
When using any of the tools in this mod including swords, axes, hoes, shovels and pickaxes they break all blocks faster than they should.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get any of the items mentioned beforehand.
  2. Mine any block.

Expected behavior
Use of items on blocks not meant to be broken by these tools results in the same breaking speed as with your fists.

Technical Information:

  • Minecraft-version: 1.18.2
  • Forge-version: 40.1.84
  • Mod-version: 1.14.0

Additional context
No other mods were used.


Thanks for the report!
I will get this fixed asap.

In case you're interested why this happens:

In an attempt at making the tool breaking speed configurable in version 1.14.0 I made the speed values from the config apply to tools without providing some additional checks. Apparently I forgot to test this properly before release.