Advanced Netherite (Fabric)

Advanced Netherite (Fabric)


Images in description on Modrinth aren't loading due to indirect requests from cache service

James103 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Modrinth is changing the URLs of the images in your description on the Modrinth page for this mod.

This is what you have in the README:


Modrinth is changing the above URL to:


(notice the being automatically prepended to the URL)

Then, when the browser attempts to load the new URL (with prepended), it fails because, an image caching service, returns this error:

{"status":"error","code":404,"message":"The hostname of the origin is unresolvable (DNS) or blocked by policy."}

This is repeated for all of the images in the README and Modrinth description, not just the banner image.

You will need to repost the images on and change the images in the URLs so they point to with the corresponding images if you want them to load for more players.

To Reproduce

  1. Check the description for the mod on Modrinth.
  2. Notice the images aren't loading.
  3. Check the URLs to the images.
  4. Notice they're in the format
  5. In a browser, manually remove from the URL and URL-decode the rest (replace %3A%2F%2F with :// and %2F with /).
  6. Notice the URL now loads and points to a valid image.

Expected behavior
The images should load fine for most players.

Technical Information (please complete the following information):

  • Minecraft-version: 1.19.2
  • Forge-version: 43.2.6
  • Mod-version: 1.14.7

Thanks for pointing this out, I will be looking into it.