Advanced Rocketry

Advanced Rocketry


[Bug/Request] 1.12.2 Add command `/advancedRocketry planet addBeaconLocation <x> <y> <z>`

ubergarm opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm working on adding a custom structure into the overworld's moon DIM3 in my modpack Rotten Economy.

I dynamically inject the structure when the Dimension is first created using worldprimer command e.g. worldprimer-dim-command-nth 1 3 worldprimer place-structure 123 128 456 MyStructureName none none centered

However, I've noticed that the beacon does not actually work even though it's block tile data says it is enabled and it all looks correct when I'm standing there. Digging through the code it seems like a player must manually toggle the GUI of the beacon to trigger adding the beacon to the dimension properties in this code.

I tried to use the commands /advancedRocketry planet get beaconLocation and such but get errors because it is private etc.

My work-around for now will be to use copy-paste mod to force inject a world/advRocketry/temp.dat file pre-loaded with the NBT values of a beacon in the desired location for my map.
EDIT: even pre-loading a good temp.dat did not make the beacon actually work. not sure how to do this without having pregenerated world or something...

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to dynamically add a beacon from a structure would be welcome! Cheers!