[suggestion/request] non TFC dependency
Biviho opened this issue · 3 comments
HI, since the model is so pretty, i was wondering if it would be possible to make it non dependable from tfc and usable as an additional machine with crafttweaker configuration for recipe, obviously if not too problematic to do.
That is an interesting idea and something I've thought of. It shouldn't be too difficult since the only place TFC is considered are the default recipes and the capability handling in outputting the items. If I get interest to work on this project again I would consider it.
If you want to try yourself feel free. (p.s. making the machines work with craftweaker is also something I want to do but haven't got around to)
Thanks for saying you like the model, it means a lot :)
i've never tried modding minecraft, i've tought about it, but never had the time to learn it, like, how to set up the environment, i've never worked with java.
If i find the time to look into it i will let you know!
Looking into other mod source code it doesn't look too difficult to implement crafttweaker compat, but it might be cause i'm inexperienced and maybe there is something i missed
I also request non TFC dependence,Because TFC is not always selected when making the integration package, its compatibility is too difficult to consider,But I still love this module. I think it's a good idea to combine agriculture with the economic system of weaving machines. He should have more choices