


Tabs that look like tabs

Madis0 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The current tab system is a single wide button, which means if you have more than 3 tabs, it will be a lot to click.


I am new to making buttons and gui's for mods and I just wanted to get the mod released. This is in the plans for future releases. I'm thinking like a couple different options for how the tab button would function.


Reworked some stuff, not entirely happy with it yet, may not be as good as some other mods, but I think it functions really nicely. It has a nice clean look with the function behind it. I'll probably come back to this later at some point. I'm going to close this issue because it now is a lot better then it was before.

Should be available in version 2.0.3 soon!


How about making those tabs horizontal and moving them to where the big button currently is? Would look more like a browser and allow bigger tab titles too. The current tab could be opaque (black).


I'll keep trying to improve it. Right now I'm trying to write an API that helps making nice clean ui's.