Adventure Backpack

Adventure Backpack


Lots of lag while my backpack is open

Flexico opened this issue ยท 21 comments


About 85% of the time when I open a backpack, whether I'm wearing it or not, my framerate drops to 2-5 FPS.


When I open my bag when it's on my back, it will lag for about a minute, and if I attempt to get the backpack off of my back with the button, well, I can't because of the lag. Normally I just crash. Any keybind I don't know of for getting the bag off of my back without using the interface?


Hello people.

To be completely, truly, fully honest with all of you, before I had to leave this in hiatus, I tried to fix that particular problem for like 2 weeks. I don't know why or how it comes to be that it lags so much.

I'll fix it (SOMEHOW) and post an updated version soon ;)


Tentative fix in Beta0.8c
Please confirm


i will test it on the Direwolf20 pack


yup it's fixed no more lag at all


Ok, time for some closure on this at long last.
I apologize for the extremely long time taken for this fix.


Just an update, this issue is still present with the most recent version of the mod (beta-0.8b). When the backpack is placed on the ground, it functions just fine. I can get items in and out fine. When I'm wearing it and press B to access, that is when I have massive lag that makes it practically unplayable.

I suppose that means it makes a good portable chest/crafting bench/liquid holder... but it would be great if the actual backpack aspect was working correctly, lol.


I too have this issue. Same as the crazy penguin. As far as I know, it only happens when the bag is on my back.


I also have this issue. If I access the bag anywhere it's fine but once I'm wearing it and open up the GUI to display its inventory everything slows to a grinding halt. My FPS drops to like a tenth of what it was.


it does lag when it's on my players back, it happens when opening it, it's in my private Modpack too.


I'm also seeing this bug. It's the only major issue we've seen with the mod and it's currently the main thing holding this mod back from being put into my modpack


i have it in my modpack mostly using as a tool belt and cosmetic look for
my char
On Apr 3, 2015 1:00 AM, "kayila" [email protected] wrote:

I'm also seeing this bug. It's the only major issue we've seen with the
mod and it's currently the main thing holding this mod back from being put
into my modpack

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i get this too its kinda annyoing


I made a pull request with a workaround, shift+b puts on/takes off the backpack
Nobody has any idea why this bug happens tho XD
PS, it still happens when you arent wearing it?


I've been experiencing this but only when accessing it while it's on my back. Accessing it once it's on the ground it works great.

Edit: Any chance you could publish your workaround in the meanwhile? :)


yup only on the back the lag occurs otherwise evyething else works fine


im starting to think this is more of rendering bug then and other type because i put a tool on my backpack and get an open gl overflow alert and my screen is messed up


That seems like an unrelated bug. It also seems to only affect certain tools
On Apr 19, 2015 12:59 AM, "shivachirr" [email protected] wrote:

im starting to think this is more of rendering bug then and other type
because i put a tool on my backpack and get an open gl overflow alert and
my screen is messed up

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I have the same issue, seems like a rendering bug.
Hope you can fix it! :-)

Let me know if there is some thing I can do to help you track down the cause.


I have noticed it as well but for me attempting to use the crafting table in the backpack while its on my back slows it down even further.


i was able to get this when i open my back pack and got the lag from my log but i think its from NEI not sure why

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 11:17 PM, mindcloud69 [email protected]

I have noticed it as well but for me attempting to use the crafting table
in the backpack while its on my back slows it down even further.

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