AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework

AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework


Three problems regarding fluid pattern terminal

YiRanMushroom opened this issue · 3 comments

  1. A fluid pattern cannot be recasting into a regular pattern even if the fluid was removed from it. You can make a new one it's totally fine but you cannot directly cast the fluid pattern into a regular pattern if in the result slot of the terminal.
  2. Auto stack method cannot practically work. Even with the function on, jei auto fill can only recognize first 9/16 objects and try to stack them. For example, if I need to use 25 obsidian to make a compress obsidian in a extended crafting table, which takes 25 slots separately, It can only fill 16. So if a recipe take over 16 slots but can fit in a pattern(its kinds are less than 16), it cannot fill correctly.
  3. Fluid pattern encode terminal sometimes cannot choose the existing item in ME or cannot auto fill the object whose pattern exists in ME. Especially for those in a crafting pattern(in stead of a processing pattern)

3. Fluid pattern encode terminal sometimes cannot choose the existing item in ME or cannot auto fill the object whose pattern exists in ME. Especially for those in a crafting pattern(in stead of a processing pattern)




