AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework

AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework


AE2 crafting bytes calculations inaccurate for uncraftable fluids

milesnyan34 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When requesting a craft that involves craftable fluids, AE2 seems to produce the correct results (treating 1000 mb of the fluid as 1 byte). However, whenever the fluids used in the craft are not craftable, they are treated as 1 byte per mb (so 1000 mb becomes 1000 bytes). So if a craft used 144 mb of Molten Iron, if the Molten Iron had a pattern then it would use 1 byte to represent it, but if it didn't then it would use 144 bytes. This doesn't seem intended.

Testing was done on 1.12 with AE2 Unofficial Extended Life.


fixed in 2.4.24