AE2 Fluid Crafting

AE2 Fluid Crafting


Feature request: Fluid Pattern Terminal "multiply" and "divide" buttons change amount of fluid as well

IGalat opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I'm using this mod in Omnifactory, and I usually encode recipes with x16 - x128 amount, because processing can be fast, and interface only pushes once a five ticks. Well, and also there's a "Processing array" that takes x16 input and gives x16 output of usual recipe.

When I click buttons x2, x3, /2, /3 in Fluid Pattern Terminal, the items(if any) in the recipe are multiplied or divided, but fluid amounts are not. This is sad, as I can't even click with Gregtech drum onto a slot there. So now I'm making do with Fluid Pattern Encoder, because it allows GT drum - but it doesn't have the buttons for changing item amounts, so I have to click them in manually too. Setting up amounts is tedious this way.

+1 and -1 buttons are not relevant.


Ah, didn't realize those buttons were not part of regular AE2, not relevant


still want to support this anyways... somehow