AE2 Stuff

AE2 Stuff


Suggestion/Request: Ship configs or an example config template

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I've been searching for a means of reducing the power usage of wireless connectors for the past hour now.

I'd like to bring them in line with the quantum bridge. I feel that, at max range, a wireless connection should NEVER exceed the power usage of a quantum bridge.

With the current implementation of wireless connections, at 64(ish) blocks a wireless bridge will use around 2182 rf/t on BOTH ENDS. That's a whopping 4365 rf/t. A quantum link uses 800rf/t to accomplish the same task and works across dimensions.

For a poorman's quantum link, these things sure suck down power.

Is there a way to reduce this blocks power usage that I'm just missing? Config folders are empty. Searching Google has yielded nothing. Also, as a side note, would you consider reducing the power usage of these devices by default?

I was counting on these things providing a cheaper quantum bridge alternative for users on my server. Once people plunk these suckers down I foresee them switching away to quantum bridges rather quickly.

Thanks in advance.


They are designed to scale up in power usage to become impractical over longer distances, if they always used less than a quantum bridge - no one would ever use a quantum bridge, because they really have no other drawback except power use. This is not my goal.

You can look at the default configs here to use them as an example and the format is documented here. There will be more and better documentation on configuration once the mod is more mature.

To change the power used by wireless connectors, make a file in ae2stuff config directory, named .cfg with the folowing content:

cfg Machines {
    cfg Wireless {
        // Power use = PowerBase + PowerDistanceMultiplier * Distance^2 (AE/t)
        PowerBase = 10
        PowerDistanceMultiplier = 1

Thank you very much ๐Ÿ‘