Aerial Affinity

Aerial Affinity


Aerial Affinity not working

Nevrai opened this issue · 1 comments


I enchanted my diamond chestplate with Aerial Affinity, but I still mine blocks slowly whilst flying (with Extra Utilities 2’s angel ring). Tried it whilst mining with both Tinkers’ Construct and vanilla pickaxes.

This line was in the log:
[01:31:21] [Server thread/WARN]: Registry Enchantment: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: aerialaffinity:aerial_affinity Expected: 40 Got: 82

Not sure if it's related to this issue, but it might be.



After some testing, I found this was caused by Effortless Building and occurs in an instance with only Aerial Affinity and Effortless Building installed. Setting increasedMiningTime to false in its config solves the problem. I’m not sure why Effortless Building would affect the aerial affinity enchantment as that config option is only supposed to affect you when breaking multiple blocks at once, not just one block, so it’s most certainly a bug with Effortless Building (although it could be a bug with Aerial Affinity, but I’m not sure; I’m assuming it’s on Effortless Building’s end).