[BETA] Thaumcraft compatibility broken
hron84 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Thaumcraft golems cannot harvest cropsticks anymore (by right clicking), instead they break the whole block (crop and plant) and refuses to replant them even with order upgrade.
Could you check it?
Affected versions:
- Agricraft 1.4.0 beta 2
- Thaumcraft
Modpack: FTB Regrowth 0.8.2
Fixed in next version: https://github.com/InfinityRaider/AgriCraft/issues/92
Very end of thread
It can be closed then, because of dupe. I can't wait the next (beta) release since it have a lot of fixes I want, including TC compatibility
I'll guess I'll build a new beta soon, as a model is only a minor thing.
Expect a new build tomorrow morning.
Have a problem with automation.
Twitch launcher + Modern Skyblock 3
AgriCraft 2.12.0
ThaumCraft 1.12.2-6.1 (BETA26)
Golems harvest plants with Crop Sticks. Please, change it.