Psychedelicraft issue
GrayCountertop opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I get alot of crashes/errors from PC. I went to their IRC and was told to post here. So I did.
[14:25] <Gray_> Hey so
[14:26] <Gray_> I put Psychedelicraft into my modpack a few days ago... Since then its caused like two crashes and is now spaming my MC log with
[14:27] <Gray_> Am I doing something wrong or is it the version or what because im looking into taking it out because of the issues.
[14:27] <Gray_> Ill see if i can find the crash reports
[14:27] == DivineSleeping has changed nick to DivineBuilding
[14:28] <Gray_> Here is the crash reports from the mod
[14:28] <Gray_>
[14:28] <Gray_> This happened on a server and everyone on it had to restart their client.
[14:31] <Gray_> Is anyone here that can help me or...?
[14:32] Mention him by name to page him
[14:33] have you tried excluding PC from Agri?
[14:35] it's probably trying and failing to render the PC crops on cropsticks
[14:35] that's what the crashlog looks like anyways