Illegible Unicode Text in Agricultural Journal and Computer Controlled Seed Analyzer
oldjunyi opened this issue ยท 2 comments
If a player is playing the Minecraft in Unicode Font mode, with screen size less than 960 pixels in height (for example, screen resolution = 1600 x 900), all text with small font size will be illegible (Small font size -> text with less than 1.0 OpenGL scale ratio). Changing the GUI mode from "auto" to "large" won't fix it.
As the author of Unicode Font Fixer mod, I suggest the text scale ratio in any place should not be less than 1.0.
In addition, please do not use "String[] words = text.split(" ")" to separate words. The space character (\32) is NEVER used in Asian language (maybe also in many other languages). Please use FontRenderer.listFormattedStringToWidth() instead. Otherwise it will bring some trouble to translation work.
I can do FontRenderer.listFormattedStringToWidth(), didn't know it had those methods, also how do I properly scale down text?
It is hard to scale down text, maybe you can try some anti-aliasing rendering method. I know AcademyCraft uses this technique, but the text in its GUI still looks a bit strange.
So I think the best way to solve this problem is set the scale ratio to 1.0.