Maven Repo
Keridos opened this issue ยท 22 comments
Hi there, is there a maven repo where we can add AgriCraft as a dependency for building our mods in the build.gradle?
I'm really not familiar how any of that works or is set up, if it can be done for free, I don't see anything against putting one up, it has been requested multiple times.
Oh there is really nothing we can do... It's just with the popularity of both ForgeGradle and CurseForge, you would think that they would work better together...
I'd recommend closing this issue, as there is nothing really to do...
No sorry, for 1.7 you can use Gradle's CurseForge plugin to grab the api jar from CurseForge, for 1.8 you'll have to do it manually, apologies.
No problem, thanks for the fast answer. Though I would find it nice, if AgriCraft was on some maven :)
@InfinityRaider you could ask tterrag, i think he has a rather large repo.
Also: Could you maybe upload a dev version of the mod as well to curseforge?
ForgeGradle can provide one (and a source jar) with this in your build.gradle:
task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.allSource
classifier = 'sources'
task deobfJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.output
classifier = 'dev'
build.dependsOn sourceJar, deobfJar
Well I'm not comfortable to ask someone who I rarely speak with for a service like that.
Yup... I have a basic setup going but i'm not sure how much I like it... I think it is too intense for a raspberry pi to run, so I need to find a more lightweight one...
@TehNut What's your discord?
@RlonRyan you were going to set up a maven?
For now, you can use JitPack.
The reason this was delayed was because I couldn't figure out how to do remote pushes for Maven. If wanted, I have created an Agricraft project on my Jenkins here. If you create a user, I can add you to it and you can push builds whenever you want.
@TehNut Broken link...
Hah. I forgot I had copied another link...