


Mystical Agriculture Custom seed issues

TokkenGmr opened this issue ยท 29 comments


I was working on creating custom seeds for mystical agriculture, everything works fine until I try to add the output for the seed/plant. Some outputs work fine like "minecraft:diamond" or even "mysticalagriculture:inferium_essence" but then when I try and use "mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence" or various other items the seed is no longer in nei/jei, however if I change the output back to say "minecraft:diamond" it works fine and shows up again. The other issue I am having is that when I reference "seed_items" and refer to something from mystical agriculture a new seed is created instead of using the seed from the stated mod

Here is a link to the json that works for me using "minecraft:diamond" and then one where the seed is gone just by changing the output to "mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence" - working but wrong output - not working but right output


I think that mystical agriculture does something funny with their items. Try using the spawn command to check if the item works.


This works fine for me. I don't use the "seed_items" array in the JSON though, I only specify a seed texture at the bottom.


To see if which item works, the one that is referenced in "seed_items"? The seed that is created but does not show up?

The Test Seeds from my json spawn in no problem depending on the output. However none of the seeds use my specified seed item and instead uses an auto-generated seed. I also have other jsons that work 100% correctly no issues.


No, try spawning in "mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence" to see what happens.


its a bit finicky in all honesty. For some it works how its supposed to while for others it doesn't.


@RlonRyan: As far as spawning in "mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence" there is no issue there, I can spawn it in no problem. The problem is on the seed when i change it to "mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence" the seed just disappears. The seed works or doesn't work depending on what you change the output to.
@Jomik: Yes when I refer to just a texture it works and creates the seed sometimes just depends on the output. I see you are using mystical agriculture as well. Were you able to get all the crops to give you the correct output or did you just do ender io?
@Ravin890: That is what I am seeing some of my custom json files work with no issues at all and some just are not there at all

Guess i will try botania and see if the same thing happens


I set up my own but placed them in the resource folder as opposed to making a folder for them and no issues on my end, maybe try to see if there would be any issue changing the folder file.


@Ravin890: No the seed still either works or doesn't work based on what I change the output to regardless of where I have the json saved.


its just being finicky


I wish the issue was just with mystical agriculture. Changed the seed output to a tinkers item and seed still disappears. Finicky is the best way to describe it, some work and some do not for no reason that I can see


Must be some oddity with the way that nbt tags get added to the items.


@RlonRyan: Will do. Working out of town atm. Will post when I get back in town.


Could you please post a paste of the log files for the erroring plants?


which log files are you wanting? All the log files that are in the log folder? Or is there a certain one you need like latest.log or fml-client-latest.log.


Interesting. Thank you very much.


I think this may be what you want

log file

these are the current jsons I have that go with that log - Hemp Seed: everything is correct - Test Seed: does not refer to the correct seed, seed disappears - Test1 Seed: creates "agricraft" seed and has an output - Test2 Seed: does not refer to correct seed, creates "agricraft" seed and does not show an output


Tested new alpha version and same issues are till present. I know it is just going to take time, if there is anything that I can do to help let me know.


Thanks for the update!


an update from me is i got the seeds working just having trouble with dropping more essence for the different tiers of the seeds


any update on this? and any files to give out like for the seeds? all or some thanks


@RlonRyan When I get back in town I will test the latest release and see what happens. Thanks for all the work put in
@killerkitt If you arent having problems like I was then that is great.


@TokkenGmr don't think I am I got everything working besides the amount of items dropped by the crop like I want it so that the tier 1 drops 1-2 10-10-10 is 2 drops and tier 5 drops 5-8 10-10-10 is 8 drops but can't figure out how


I'll post a file or code so that you all can just download and use whenever after the amount dropped is fixed for me


ok so first steps on how to make this work is to

  1. create a folder called mod_mysticalagriculture (that will load the mod) in the folder called defaults in json folder
  2. in that folder make 2 more called plants and mutations and open the plants one
  3. is to copy over a json file from one of the vanilla plants like carrots is what i used
  4. rename it to tier1 (what i called it for the tier 1 inferium seed) then in the file i wrote my own stuff you guys can change it if you want but thats up to you this is a code for you guys to work with so yeah... back to it
  5. -------------------------------------code-----------------------------------------------
    "path": "mod_mysticalagriculture/plants/tier1_plant.json",
    "enabled": true,
    "id": "tier1",
    "plant_name": "Inferior Inferium Plant",
    "seed_name": "Inferior Inferium Seeds",
    "seed_items": [
    "item": "mysticalagriculture:tier1_inferium_seeds",
    "meta": 0,
    "tags": "",
    "ignoreMeta": false,
    "ignoreTags": [
    "useOreDict": false
    "description": {
    "translations": {},
    "default": "A Mystical Agriculture plant."
    "growth_chance": 0.9,
    "growth_bonus": 0.025,
    "bonemeal": false,
    "tier": 1,
    "weedable": false,
    "aggressive": false,
    "spread_chance": 0.1,
    "spawn_chance": 0.0,
    "grass_drop_chance": 0.0,
    "products": {
    "products": [
    "min": 1,
    "max": 2,
    "chance": 1.0,
    "required": true,
    "item": "mysticalagriculture:inferium_essence",
    "meta": 0,
    "tags": "",
    "ignoreMeta": false,
    "ignoreTags": [],
    "useOreDict": false

    "requirement": {
    "min_light": 10,
    "max_light": 16,
    "soils": [
    "bases": [],
    "nearby": {}
    "texture": {
    "render_type": "hash",
    "seed_texture": "mysticalagriculture:items/inferium_seeds",
    "plant_textures": [

btw i use notepad++ to help make it all look good so if i dont know if you will get same looking spacing of code as me or not but here it is now the bolded area is what i am having trouble with so if someone could help that would be much appreciated


but here was just an update btw so give me a bit to see if this is even still valid


no it didnt change it but the problem is still there


@killerkitt Thank you for that, however that was not the issue. I have not tested further than the scripts that I have listed. I will be looking forward to what you have to share. Remember to post it to the AgriPlants repo. Also my thoughts in regards to the inferium seed is tier 1 is just a regular plant before its 10/10/10 and tier 5 would be equal to 10/10/10, but that is me.
@RlonRyan In regards to the scripts that I have posted - Hemp Seed: everything is correct
(still works) - Test Seed: does not refer to the correct seed, seed disappears
(everything is now working as intended) - Test1 Seed: creates "agricraft" seed and has an output
(works as intended) - Test2 Seed: does not refer to correct seed, creates "agricraft" seed and does not show an output
(refers to correct seed however still does not show an output. This one is not mystical agriculture output it is a tinkers construct)

Also I was working on adding the vanilla flowers like poppy, blue orchid, and the like and everything works fine because all the assets are still in the agricraft jar, however they too seem to not show an output. I think it may have to do with metadata. For instance the issue above the output has a metadata value in it same as minecraft dyes, which is what i was using as the output

Will see if find anything else with mystical agriculture


Everything seems to be working as intended. I did not notice the meta portion in the json right after the product name, that was my mistake. I think this issue can be closed Im not sure about killerkitt's issue. I can control the output for the "basic seed tier1 vs tier5" no problem, not sure if you can be that specific with the 10/10/10.


I think that that means the issue can be closed then thanks!