- 4
Crops not producing item when mature w/Hunger Overhaul
#1 opened by InkDragon - 2
Dupe bug in 0.0.9
#2 opened by InkDragon - 10
Unable to place crops
#5 opened by rckymtnrfc - 2
Wooden Irrigation Channels Recipe Conflict
#4 opened by rckymtnrfc - 1
Exception with NEI
#7 opened - 1
config directory on linux
#8 opened - 1
On Linux server, config folder is created at config\agricraft\ (wrong slashes)
#10 opened by WesCook - 2
missing texture
#13 opened by marcin212 - 1
Water Tanks refill from rain underground
#17 opened by Xltimus - 1
Gardening Trowel text
#18 opened by marcel0ll - 1
Water block not flowing
#19 opened by marcel0ll - 1
Shift clicking crop blocks
#20 opened by marcel0ll - 2
Cant plant analysed seed on farmland
#21 opened by marcel0ll - 2
No texture particles
#23 opened by marcel0ll - 8
Irrigation channel bounds
#24 opened by marcel0ll - 6
Tanks collect water when raining in the desert.
#25 opened by alucard87pl - 1
Crash when breaking Water Tank
#30 opened by a-rat-girl - 0
Whitelist fertile soils
#31 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
Check configs for errors when reading
#32 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Add nearby block requirements in NEI handler
#33 opened by InfinityRaider - 5
Allow mid-file comments for custom crops.
#34 opened by Kubuxu - 2
Flower without fruit.
#36 opened by Kubuxu - 0
Add valve irrigation channels
#37 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Water dissappears from irrigation systems
#38 opened by InfinityRaider