- 4
Feature Request: Advent of Ascension Support
#334 opened by Killarflame - 3
Greenhouse resource crops
#333 opened by Thiana - 3
[BETA] Shears does not drop anything
#332 opened by hron84 - 0
New Agricraft Fence connect with Grass
#331 opened by Flashwar - 1
New Agricraft Fence connect with Grass
#330 opened by Flashwar - 6
[BETA] Agricultural journal sometimes list ingredients as mutation
#329 opened by hron84 - 1
[FEATURE] [BETA] Add crop placing sound back
#328 opened by hron84 - 15
[BETA] weed took over the world
#327 opened by hron84 - 3
Custom Crop Enhancement
#326 opened by teamMK - 3
Improper item removal
#325 opened by sfPlayer1 - 1
Computercraft Support?
#324 opened by austin5919 - 1
- 4
Setting for disable low light requirement
#322 opened by erucolindo - 3
[Crash Report] GuiHandler accessing ClientOnly classes on server.
#321 opened by zlainsama - 3
[Request] NetherCrops
#320 opened by UnRealDinnerbone - 3
New resource crops from 1.4 are not craftable
#319 opened by Mach12 - 4
Server crashing when Seed Storage Box is put down
#318 opened by Galaxy2Alex - 5
Seed strength when crossbreeding
#317 opened by xenoflot - 2
[request] Thaumic Bases support / Custom crop improvement
#316 opened by EdC94 - 1
- 4
Config typo ( yeah its me again )
#314 opened by Neodark7 - 1
Typo in the config
#313 opened by Neodark7 - 6
Fix tanks crossing chunk boundaries bugging out on chunk loading
#312 opened by Terpo - 1
Crash with RFTools/mcjtylib
#311 opened by zwof03 - 14
[ALPHA] Crop issues
#310 opened by hron84 - 1
Server Startup Crash
#309 opened by DoughnutDev - 1
Growthcraft Compatibility (Bamboo)
#308 opened by kaovalin - 10
[ALPHA] Agricraft villager issues
#307 opened by hron84 - 7
RotaryCraft Canola seeds cause a crash when put in the Seed Analyzer
#306 opened by Bomber57 - 1
Multiple registered versions of the same crop yields multiple versions of the product on harvest
#305 opened by bogatyr-n - 2
Harvestcraft Candleberries cause internal server error
#304 opened by bogatyr-n - 1
Harvestcraft rice doesn't like AgriCraft or v.v?
#302 opened by MoonCutter2B - 2
Particle Reduction Request
#301 opened by natedogith1 - 3
Unable to remove product from non-Agricraft seed
#300 opened by Killarflame - 2
Growthcraft Compatibility
#299 opened by kaovalin - 1
Automate seed production
#298 opened by oleduc - 2
[Enhancement] Add back cactus block drop option
#297 opened by hron84 - 1
PneumaticCraft seeds crash server
#296 opened by Wolf68k - 10
Shears not working on cactus crops
#295 opened by Timeslice42 - 2
[Enhancement] Trowel in seed analyzer
#294 opened by Timeslice42 - 20
Texture Bug?
#293 opened by bdudek - 5
Sprinklers not hydrating often enough
#292 opened by Timeslice42 - 5
Crash when adding AgriCraft
#291 opened by MoonCutter2B - 1
Placing torch directly above plant prevents it for growing
#290 opened by Kubuxu - 2
Fatal errors were detected during the transition from PREINITIALIZATION to INITIALIZATION
#289 opened by jgrimes900 - 9
Stats for plants don't cap out at ten.
#288 opened by ralse - 2
NPE when moving a crop using a trowel
#287 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
Sugarcane using wrong base block (?)
#286 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
Missing localization strings
#285 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
Nether wart not displaying stages correctly
#284 opened by Timeslice42