- 2
Crash JEI
#1420 opened by thedarkonekiller - 0
Any FOV above 90 breaks the journal
#1411 opened by StormCircuit - 6
Crash looking though Agricraft JEI recipe menu.
#1412 opened by SGZ-Creations - 1
Automating Crops doesn't seems to be possible with Cyclic and IF
#1413 opened by KalistaUe - 1
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: movementBehaviours
#1414 opened by aburone - 1
[Issue] Identical seeds are not stacking in inventory (Potato; three separate stacks of same stats)
#1415 opened by nirakoji - 2
Ticking block entity irrigator automatic crash at login my server
#1416 opened by th3l4stl0st - 1
[Client Crash] When right clicking/opening Seed Analyzer
#1417 opened by p1ut0nium-git - 3
1.12.2 Missing JSON Mystical seeds and correction for them, also correction for the 6 tiers Inferium seeds.
#1418 opened by SirDevil1213 - 2
Magnifying Glass and Wooden Grate not rendering properly
#1419 opened by Zaetriks - 1
no sprinkler recipe agricraft1.12.2
#1422 opened by ChrisCatta - 1
Seed Analyzer error
#1423 opened by KsmKayk - 1
'Transfer pipe' and 'Transfer node' won't pop up in the JEI interface
#1362 opened by autismusprime69 - 2
Crops are unknown?
#1364 opened by agentwolf88 - 0
Suggestion: config option to remove collision on crop sticks
#1365 opened by Khitiara - 7
Will not load with Better Weather
#1367 opened by Sixdd6 - 0
Sprinkler not dropping sprinkler item when mined
#1368 opened by starmun-0010 - 2
Crash report/ mod compatibility issue with botanypots
#1369 opened by Shotguun29 - 2
Game freazes when agricraft 1.16.5 presend and game dont run
#1373 opened by Liso7150 - 11
Game freezes when starts with Agricraft 3.0.3
#1374 opened by Liso7150 - 4
Client crop rendering issue in multiplayer environment
#1370 opened by rlnt - 3
Animation config options
#1371 opened by rlnt - 9
Trouble loading some textures with Chlorine
#1376 opened by Mopaseo - 3
Scarecrow from Simple Farming doesn't prevent Agricraft crops from being trampled
#1378 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 1
Stats appear on seeds before being analyzed
#1377 opened by twinsplice - 0
Wrong sounds and animation when placing and breaking crops
#1379 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 7
Conflict with Cropsticks and Crook from Ex-Nihilo
#1382 opened by shufunk - 5
The Game Crashes When AgriCraft Installed
#1381 opened by Charlobo - 1
Not an issue, maybe an oversight? Waterlogged crops
#1384 opened by Mowmaster - 1
the one probe - interface bug
#1383 opened by NiceClown - 2
Botany Pots compat 1.16.5
#1386 opened by someguyfromdownthestreet - 1
16.5 loading issue with Botany Pots
#1385 opened by OceanSnipe17 - 0
Unlocalized material tooltips
#1387 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 4
Incompatibility with Blur mod
#1391 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 3
Agricraft / Infinitylib "disabling" third person animations from other mods
#1390 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 14
Maybe water tank will cause game crash randomly (Ticking block entity)
#1392 opened by catmunyi - 1
AgriStat instances are created before the config is read
#1394 opened by Ketheroth - 8
[1.16.5] Rendering Ingredient Crash
#1396 opened by Unhook - 1
1.16.5 Server crash on startup
#1397 opened by Realever - 1
Fiery ingot issue
#1398 opened by idkimanerd - 2
Agricraft 3.0.5 server crash
#1399 opened by virtualxtetris - 2
JEI 'Fiery Ingot Seeds' crash
#1400 opened by laneyfamily - 0
Seed Analyzer: Inserted items can be voided
#1404 opened by richie-mc - 2
Valid JSON plant definition doesn't seem to work for mystical agriculture infernium
#1405 opened by tyggna - 0
AgriCraft for 1.16.5 version 3.0.4
#1401 opened by iridium22 - 4
minecraft crach 1.16.5 AgriCraft 3.0.4 and 3.0.5
#1402 opened by iridium22 - 1
sorry my igen :p
#1403 opened by iridium22 - 2
I/O Crash with hotfix version
#1406 opened by CanBoy67 - 1
Camera conflict with Astral Sorcery preventing player attunement
#1408 opened by DreamingLamb - 2
game crashes v3.0.5 using JEI
#1410 opened by Shotguun29