Game won't load with Architectury and Destroy installed (alongside Aileron)
ElRichiRicon opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Game starts loading mods, then closes suddenly. Logs say something about mixin apply failure.
- NeoForge 47.1.106 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Create version 0.5.1j
- Petrolpark's Library 1.0.6
- Destroy 0.1.0 snap10
- Architectury 9.2.14
- Aileron 1.1.1
All mods are necessary for the issue to appear.
debug.log I had to remove a lot of Scanning mod file's to get it under the size limit
I believe we just never released an update for the mod is all :(
It's in such a workload limbo is all. The code here is the up to date version but it was never released.
Destroy developer here. Is this Git repo up to date? The crash log mentions the Mixin @ModifyArg::renderAttackIndicator(I)I but that does not exist here. If the actual source code isn't here, I won't be able to help fixing this.