Alaska Native Craft

Alaska Native Craft


Crash on selecting weapons

InteJason opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Crashed when I try to get a alaska native craft weapon from the creative menu. Quite a serious crash as it completely corrupts the world and doesn't let me join the world after that.


This is an incompatibility with another mod(s). You have over 200 mods/libraries loaded, can you narrow it down to a smaller subset so I can do some deep testing? Also, you might want to check if it's with other things than just ANC harpoons. Maybe weapons or items from other mods that do some interesting rendering?

The fact that it seems to be due to Matrix Stack errors makes me suspicious of another mod doing unsafe transformations, as I always make sure to push and pop the stack properly for my rendering. Hopefully, that helps for narrowing down what mod it might be an incompatibility with.

The crash report also seems wholly unrelated to item rendering so it might also be a product of coincidence.

Thank you for this report, but there's not enough information currently for me to even begin narrowing down the problem.


No follow-up from issuer