


Alchemistry machines randomly stops working

GordonHollow opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Playing ATM9, and sometimes machine from alchemistry just stop working until i open GUI of it
After opening it - i can see processing starts again from 0

All machines in loaded chunks and i also have my player near it, so even without chunkload they all loaded


Also having this issue, most notably with fusion reactors. The materials sit inside the machine and don't actually process until I open the GUI. Chunks are loaded.


I merged this PR. I'm going to close this issue. If the issue happens again after updating AlchemyLib on your end, re-open it with details.


Same for me with fusion reactor. Fusion Reactor is in a single chunk and the zone is chunkloaded. Already have the problem when I open the GUI though.
It stops working even if I am present. What is the problem ?


I found the cause: the recipe is copied in updateRecipe but equals is not implemented for AbstractProcessingRecipe, causing the tile to constantly think that the recipe has changed, resetting the progress back to 0. The recipe set by GUI is not copied so that's why opening the GUI fixes it.

I have opened SmashingMods/AlchemyLib#7 which fixes this issue.


Also sometimes happens with combiner when one set of input finishes processing and another set of input (for a different recipe) gets put in.


/setblock -34 78 -93 alchemistry:combiner[facing=north]{ForgeCaps:{},energy:100000,input:{Items:[{Count:4b,Slot:0,id:"chemlib:calcium"},{Count:4b,Slot:1,id:"chemlib:carbonate"}],Size:4},locked:0b,output:{Items:[],Size:1},paused:0b,progress:1,recipeId:"alchemistry:combiner/calcium_carbonate",searchText:"",sides:16383s}
Here is the block data when it happens. Progress stuck at 1.