


TPS Performance issue with Alchemistry machines

ALainxD opened this issue · 1 comments


Alchemistry 1.18.2-2.2.2
MC 1.18.2
Forge 40.2.9
Modpack: Ragnamod 7 (7.1.0)

Hi I'm a oublic server owner that hosts the modpack Ragnamod 7 which includes Alchemistry.
Our server TPS often is not the greates with more players online, I know that's kinda what you have to deal with when you host modded MC.
But the Alchemistry machines are often the ones that have the highest impact on the server as a individual block, when not doing anything at all. This is especially noticable on the Dissolver. The machine has a input on 500+ µs/t on the server in Idle, when a normal machine should stay under 10 in idle.

Mod for server performance: Observable

In a singleplayer world this isn't that huge of a deal but in a multiplayer server where multiple teams exist with even multiple Dissolver sometimes, the load these machines have on the server is really frustrating.

2024-02-12_18 19 19
2024-02-12_18 20 56
2024-02-12_18 23 08
2024-02-12_18 23 14


Although I have made some adjustments to make efforts on the performance of the mod, the said changes are not yet PR'd on purpose.
I want to run the full rag my self and get as close to replicating the scenerio as the OP to get clarity on what exactly could be causing it.
Given that something is found, I'll move forward to address it and test everything with the same rag/world just with swapping out the mod to confirm the addressing of the performance.

If for some reason nothing comes up that can be addressed, I'll still look to see what can be improved either way to still make the best efforts on addressing the performance.