Compatibility Issue with JCraft: Eyes of Ender
PlanetTeamSpeakk opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Hello there,
I am one of the devs of the JCraft: Eyes of Ender mod. We have incorporated a fork of Gravity API into our mod, but it becomes unusable when Alex's Caves is installed. After some investigation, I found this is because this mod overrides the Entity#collide method, which Gravity API depends on for a large part, entirely. I noticed a comment saying this was for compatibility with Radium, which I understand, however, we've had similar issues with Lithium, which Radium is forked from, and Lithium provides a way for modders to disable certain mixins especially for occasions like this.
I don't know if Radium has a similar feature, but the docs for this for Lithium are found here:'s-Mixins-using-your-mod's-fabric.mod.json-or-neoforge.mods.toml.
I'd like to ask if it's possible to try an approach like this instead so that we may maintain compatibility.