Alex's Caves

Alex's Caves


Deep One neutrality and aggro issue

BiggestBruhMoment opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I may not understand how deep ones work very clearly.But from what i know theyre naturally only stalk and run away from player.But it seems like when i test it out, theyre somehow started attacking me rather than running away from me when i didnt even do anything to them.This only stop when theyre reaching the friendly status.

Theres also a bug where deep ones still attacking player when theyre changing to creative mode.


I also have this issue, they are way too aggressive when "cautious" actively following and attacking the player and still aggressive when neutral.


this is my problem as well, while they just ignore my friend. Do you play in multiplayer or single-player? For me and one other guy on Discord, this occurred when we were using essential to play together


Dupe #285